How To Make Super Mario Cake Pops

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Awesome Super Mario Party Ideas!

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Super Mario Brothers Cake Pops

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Epic Super Mario Brothers Birthday Party Ideas

These iconic little beasties from Mario have been recreated into so many different mediums. From paintings to sculptures to earrings, so many skilled people from all genres of art have paid tribute to these little guys. I wanted to join in and recreate them in a way that makes them almost entirely edible.

Half the fun with these guys was making them all different. Some with their mouths open, some shut. Some short and some taller than others. Some facing up and others facing forwards. In part it was to mimic the various stages you find them in during the game as they emerge, snapping, from their pipes. But it’s also fun to give them lots of different expressions anyway.

I really really dislike truffle recipes. Truffles are the kind of thing I tend to make up from leftovers. It’s all by eye and never by quantity. If I have a cake I need to carve, or if I have leftover cupcakes, or any excess cake at any time, I blend up the leftover cake into cake crumbs and freeze it until a day for making truffles arises. The type of cake you use will then influence how much icing you need to add. I prefer a resultant mixture that is set at room temperature: it’s nicer to eat and also means it won’t go sliding off the stick one it hits room temperature. There’s nothing worse than trying to roll truffles that are either two soft and need partial refrigeration to work, or are so hard they are impossible to roll. When I follow recipes, that’s what tends to happen. So there’s not a formal recipe for these guys, but I’m going to show you how I made them.


Mario Bros. Party

For the piranha heads, I used these Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Cupcakes. I had half a batch leftover, so I crumbled them up and mixed in just enough dark chocolate ganache to make one large, smooth ball. At this stage you can add in any number of things. Some truffles recipes add icing sugar, almond meal, cream, nuts, biscuits, chopped glace cherries — it’s totally up to you and what you want to taste when you bite into it. But I try to avoid making more ‘complex’ truffles like this chunky cause it can ruin the final shape. You can also use any icing you like. I use the ganache because I think the buttercream varieties are just far too sweet, especially after you coat them with white chocolate.

I made enough for 6 piranha heads. For four of them, I used a sharp knife to cut a little ‘V’ shape out of them for the mouths. I popped them in the freezer and, once frozen, stuck a lollipop stick into them. I made three of these with the mouth facing upwards, and for one I positioned the stick with the mouth facing forwards. Be careful not to poke the stick all of the way through here.

Leave them in the fridge while you get the chocolate ready.  Having them cold serves the purpose of making the chocolate set quickly when you dip them.

Crissa's Cake Corner!: Super Mario Birthday Party!

Melt enough white chocolate to cover the amount of truffles you’ve made, then use powdered food colouring to dye it red. You can try other types of dye, but your chocolate will probably seize and it’s not worth it. Some stores will sell coloured chocolate melts so you can use this to shortcut the step if you prefer.

Dip the truffles into the chocolate so it’s completely covered right up to the stick. Leave no patch uncovered. Then hold the truffle by the stick over the bowl with one hand, then firmly tap that hand with your other hand to rid the truffle of excess chocolate. This is the gentlest way to do this I’ve found: tapping the stick against the side of the bowl can be too forceful and you sometimes end up dislodging the truffle from the stick.


Meanwhile, you can get started on the base. Now, there’s a lot of ways you can make the base, but I wanted to go with a brownie truffles. I felt the density for them would make for much more secure pipes than anything else. You could opt for something like raw cookie dough, or stick with cake crumb truffles. You could even make mini cupcakes, but I avoided that route because I felt they might not hold the weight enough.

Super Mario Cake Pops

You’ll notice with these that they almost bind to themselves. If you press the crumbs against the sides of the bowl it will stick together.

To make the pipes, I used a silicone tray I have that has straight sides. If you don’t have, can’t get or don’t want to get one, you can use a mini cupcake tray. You could also just form the shapes with your hands. You’ll need to partially do that anyway. Roll tablespoons of the mixture into balls, then press it into the tray. this gets them a little warm and make them easier to mould without any gaps.

With the remaining mixture, roll it out between two sheets of baking paper until it’s about half a centimetre thick. This is for the thicker top of the pipe: you don’t need it to be excessivly thick as it will gain volume once dipped in chocolate.

Mario Kart Cupcake Pull Apart

Cut out circles slightly larger than the holes of the tray and press them down on top. Pop them in the freezer for about half an hour.


Pop them out of the tray, then place the truffles on sticks down into the centres of them. Make sure you only apply force to the stick when you do this. If you push them from the top you may dislodge the truffle on the stick.

Now we have to melt down some white chocolate and make it green. I used 2 parts green to 1 part yellow food colouring to produce that vibrant mario green we’re familiar with. This may depend on the brand of colouring you get, but my green was a tad saturated-looking without the yellow.

Mario Bros Cake Pops Party

You’ll need a lot of chocolate for this just because of the height of the brownie truffles. I used about 300g for the 6 pipes. I used a deep bowl and tilted it on one side to help get all sides properly covered. You want to be able to mostly submerge the truffle