Cake Pops For Gender Reveal

Cake Pops dürfen auf einem Sweet Table einer Gender Reveal Party nicht fehlen. Bei dieser Variante habe ich mich für Schokoböden mit Aprikosenmarmelade vermengt entschieden. Ihr könnt jeden beliebigen Boden nehmen, den ihr möchtet und mit Marmelade, Creme oder Schokolade die richtige Konsistenz für die Cake Pops herstellen. Die Masse sollte nicht zu klebrig sein, jedoch beim zusammen drücken „stand halten“.

Ich wiege meine Masse gerne ab, damit die Kugeln ungefähr gleich groß werden. Jeder Cake Pop hat um die 15-25g (je nachdem wie groß ihr sie haben möchtet). Die Kugeln rollt ihr schön rund und gebt sie anschließend auf etwas Backpapier zunächst in den Kühlschrank. Parallel könnt ihr die Schokolade schmelzen. Nach einer halben Stunde könnt ihr die Cake Pop Sticks in Schokolade tauchen und diese dann in die Kugeln stecken. Diese sollten nun weitere 30 min im Kühlschrank aushärten.


Für den Überzug schmelzt ihr ggf. weitere Schokolade oder Cake Melts, färbt diese bei Bedarf ein und tunkt die Cake Pops ein. Ich drehe diese noch über der Schokolade und klopfe den Stiel am Rand des Schokoladengefäßes etwas ab, damit diese runter läuft. Sobald die Schokolade etwas fester geworden ist, stecke ich die Cake Pops ist einen Styroporblock oder setze sie auf Backpapier. Ich zeige euch imReelnoch einen kleinen Trick, wie ihr große Schokoränder unten vermeiden könnt:

Cake Pops, Baby Shower Cake Pops, Cakepops, Shower Cake Pops, Custom Cake Pops, Baby, Cake, Cupcakes, Cakepops Shower, Babyshower, Baby Shower, Party Ideas, Baby Shower Ideas,

Einfach kurz nach dem ersten Mal Absetzen von einer auf die andere Stelle setzen und dort anziehen lassen. So ist der erste Überschuss der Schokolade bereits abgetragen. Ihr könnt die Cake Pops dann ein zweites Mal überziehen, falls sie euch von der Farbe bzw. dem Überzug noch nicht intensiv genug sind. Die getrocknete Schokolade kann vom Backpapier abgenommen und erneut geschmolzen werden.

Habt ihr die Gender Reveal Party Cake Pops bereits erstellt? Lasst es mich gerne wissen und verklinkt mich bei Instagram (@katharinas_cakes_) auf euren Kreationen, damit ich sie bewundern und in meiner Story teilen kann.I have to admit, I had never made cake pops before but I was determined to make them for our gender reveal party. I’ve made Oreo truffles multiple times, which are somewhat similar to cake pops. Somewhat. They’re essentially the cookie version of cake pops. Basically dessert cousins. I figured, how hard could it be?

Now, I know mine aren’t 100% true cake pops– they’re basically cake balls with sticks in them, but people can still carry them around like cake pops. I mean, who wants messy hands? Anyway, I’ll tell you at the end of the post how to make them into legit cake pops with the cake portion at the top and the stick coming out the bottom.

Pastel Cake Pops — Thesweetlovecompany

Prepare a boxed cake mix as directed on the box. Let the cake cool completely. Wash your hands. Next, crumble the cake into fine crumbs with your hands in a large bowl. Mix in about 1/3 cup of icing (I used store bought milk chocolate) with your hands. The mixture should be dense but not gooey. Gooey cake balls gross me out. Grab a cookie scoop (I used my 1.5 T scoop, which I LOVE). (Remember, everyone needs a cookie scoop, or 3.) Then, scoop out the mixture, packing the cake mixture into the scoop as you scoop it (I smushed the open side of the cookie scoop against the inside of the bowl). Smush the mixture in your hand to pack it tightly into a ball. Roll it into a nicely shaped ball. Roll the remaining mixture into balls (my cake mix made 18 balls).

Grab your Candy Melts (I purchased mine from JoAnn Fabric) and a small microwaveable dish (I used a small oatmeal bowl). Put about 5 morsels into the bowl and melt them in the microwave. Next, grab your cake pop sticks (I purchased mine from JoAnn Fabric). Dip your stick into the melted Candy Melt and quickly stick it into a cake pop at least half way down. Repeat with remaining cake pops. Then, set pops on a cookie tray. Freeze for about 15 minutes (they wouldn’t fit in my freezer so I put them in the fridge for 30 minutes– worked fine). Put your Candy Melts into a microwaveable mug (I filled mine to the top). Next, melt the Candy Melts as directed on the package. Dip the cake pop into the mug, evenly coating it. Let the coating drip off. Place the pop on cookie sheet. Finally, if using sprinkles, add immediately before coating sets. Repeat for remaining pops.

These may seem like a lot a work, but trust me, once you have it all mapped out it’s a breeze. I spent maybe an hour on these (not including baking and cooling times).

Cake Pop Recipe

If you want your cake pops to be true cake pops, rather than cake balls with sticks in them, instead of putting them on a cookie sheet to dry, insert the stick into Styrofoam for the coating to set. I wanted mine to sit on the platter but still be pops, so that’s why I went the route I did.

FYI, the Candy Melt coating is really good. I used chocolate cake and you barely tell there’s dark cake underneath the coating. Just thought I’d throw that out there.

Note: Candy Melts come in a wide array of colors. But if you don’t spot a color you need, you can use gel food coloring. Do not use food coloring drops.

How To Make Cake Pops

Step by step instructions on how to make cake pops! Learn some tricks on how to accomplish delicious and eye-catching cake pops!Surprise & delight baby shower guests with these easy gender reveal cake pops! Follow the easy steps to unveil the baby's gender in style. Adorable!

Don't want to scroll through the page to get to the recipe? Use the table of contents to click on the section you want to go to.


Plus, biting into the colorful candy coating is an exciting, easy way to find out if the little bundle of joy is a boy or a girl!

Pastel Cake Pops

This is an overview of the ingredients. You'll find the full measurements and instructions in the green recipe card (printable) at the bottom of the page.

Heat in 30-second increments, stirring well in between, until it's smooth. Don't overheat—the chocolate will continue to melt a little each time you stir it.

You can also use a double boiler if you prefer. However, stir often so the chocolate on the bottom doesn't burn. Be careful not to let any water splash into the chocolate or it'll seize up!

Baby Mason's Gender Reveal Party

A note of caution: start with small additions first—I'm talking half of a teaspoon or so. You can always add more as you need to reach a perfect consistency for dipping.

As you dip the gender reveal cake pops, the candy melts will cool down and might start to thicken again. Try rewarming the candy melts a bit, first, before grabbing the shortening again.


Simply store the pops in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week. Keep them out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.

Baby Gender Reveal Party Cake Pops

Freeze leftover gender reveal cake pops in a heavy-duty zip-top bag for up to six months. You can enjoy them again after your baby boy or girl has arrived!

Expert Tip: For the best cake pops, make sure the balls are smooth before you dip them. If you're struggling (or have a hot kitchen) pop the cake/frosting in the fridge for a bit—it's easier to work with chilled dough.

Cake pops tend to crack when there is a large temperature difference between the candy melts and the cake. If yours start to crack, let the candy melts cool and the cake pops sit at room temperature for a bit.

Gender Reveal Cakes For Sharing Your Sweet Baby News

You'll get about 18 gender reveal cake pops from one box of mix. They're a little smaller than golf balls. Need more? You can easily double or triple the recipe using the option in the recipe card below.

There are stands you can buy from the store, but they’re quite bland and boring. Or, you can make one (like I did), by taking a container of some kind and using flower arrangement foam to fill it—then decorate the top. A cheap styrofoam block or decorated Amazon box also works great!


No, you won’t. However, depending on the thickness of the white (if you add any shortening to the coating) you may see a little color. In that case, double-dip the white. Triple dip if you really need to.

Cake Pops For A Gender Reveal!

Use white cake for a clean, bright gender reveal color. Even a simple yellow cake will mess up the shade—mixed with blue you'll get green, and mixed with pink you'll end up with orange cake batter!

However, if you're aiming for pink cake pops, you could opt for strawberry or pink velvet cake—those'll do the trick. (I've linked my two favorite pink cakes below!)

I don't know how it is where you live but I swear, ever since Pinterest came on the scene people around here have been vying for the cutest party food, the most adorable decor, and on and on and on.

Pink Or Blue Cake Pops

So, when I find something that is ABSOLUTELY adorable and so easy even I can do it you know