Sugar Cookie Pops Recipe

How’s that saying go? You can take the girl out of Orlando, FL, but you can’t take the Disney out of the girl? Well, for today’s intents and purposes, let’s pretend so. A few weeks ago, Brett and I took the kids back to my hometown of Orlando, FL for a trip to Disney World, and, it felt so good to be back at a place that once was home. Per usual, I got so many questions about Disney from friends on Instagram that I thought we might take today to map out a few of my personal faves. PLUS, I have a happy little Disney-inspired recipe to share- sugar cookie pops! Let’s get to it.

We should start with a disclosure: everyone does Disney different. There are some people who are one-and-done kind of visitors and others who go as often as possible. There are some that like the shut the parks down everyday, and there are other (raises hand) who are really just there long enough to eat as much Dole Whip as possible. Regardless of what camp you fall into, Disney has changed so much over the past couple of years that even those of us who have been nearly 100 times need a little help. With that being said, I highly recommend doing your own research prior to any trip to Disney, and if you are interested in a few of our faves, here they are!


So much time, energy, and waiting can be saved by knowing what you want to experience in the parks. Even as a seasoned Disney veteran, I always take time prior to a trip to look at the park maps (I even print one offline!) and make note of what rides, shows, and experiences my kids will want to check out. You can even take this a step forward by cross-referencing wait times (available daily on the Disney app!) with your list to determine which rides will get busy.

Baking Holiday Cookie Pops Video — Holiday Cookie Pops Recipe How To Video

This most recent trip was our first time using Genie+, Disney’s new system which has essentially replaced the old fast pass system. Now, for a daily per person fee, you can have access to shorter wait times. Be sure to buy the Genie+ pass in advance and log in at 7am EST sharp to get your first round of passes. I highly recommend research Genie+ and Lightening Passes to noting which rides you want access for PRIOR TO your morning at the park.

I used to think that people who got to the park before it opened were crazy, but now, I am among those people. Nothing makes riding rides easier than getting there 30 minutes prior to park opening times and being prepared to HUSTLE. For example, if a park opens at 9 am, I typically try to get my family there by 8:30, and we move fast to ride as many rides as possible during the first two hours of operation. Again, make a plan and knock out as much as you can in those morning hours.

I’m sure other people feel differently about this, but by about 11:30, my crew just needs a break. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more unnerving to me than trying to figure out where to eat, where to sit, and how I can take a break for a few minutes after a morning of hustling. Lunch is a great opportunity for taking a seat, getting out of the elements, and zoning out for just a few minutes. Your body and brain need this.


Heart Sugar Cookie Pops

Brett always jokes that one day he’s going to make a website called “Meltdowns at Disney, ” because for as much joy and magic as the parks bring, it also just makes people lose their minds a bit. That’s why my policy is always to know when to throw in the towel. I don’t want to ruin a perfectly great day by pushing my toddlers (and my sanity!) beyond it’s limit. The kids will have just as much fun swimming in the pool or watching endless Disney cartoons back at the hotel. If you don’t squeeze it all in, that’s ok. At the same token, don’t be bummed if you can’t ride every single ride! The kids will have a blast watching parades, exploring the park, or even use jumping in muddy puddles.

A backpack full of lollipops, Goldfish, and trail mix has gotten my family through many a waiting line. Disney is not the opportunity to make sure your kids get in all their fruits and vegetables- pack some snacks for insurance, and know they’ll get back to a normal routine at home.


There are so many cute treats available all over the Disney parks, yet, for some reason, my kids always fixate on the desserts on a stick: Rice Krispie treats, ice cream bars, lollipops, and even sugar cookies. I decided to make these sugar cookie pops as an homage to all those kid-friendly desserts at Disney, and my kids were not disappointed. Tender sugar cookies decorated with a soft-set icing serve as a great pick-up treat option wherever a good theme is required. Just grab a theme-appropriate cookie cutter and a few lollipop sticks, and voila! Magic.

Brown Sugar Pop Tart Cookies

To make these sugar cookie pops, we start with a dough. I use this painted sugar cookie dough, because it holds up well even with a stick in it! The cookies are soft but stable. Once you’ve prepped and chilled your dough, roll out a thick 1/4″ slab of dough and use your cookie cutter to trim out shapes. I prefer to use a small or medium-sized cutter here, because large cookies are more likely to break off the stick. dough shapes have been chilled, gently twist to insert 4″ lollipop sticks into the base of the cookies. The first one or two might flop, but you’ll get the feel for it. If you happen to break through the cookie dough, you can use your fingers to gently pat extra dough around it to clean up. Make sure your dough is thick enough for future cookies too!


After baking, these cookies are iced with a simple powdered sugar glaze that sets overnight. You can follow my method as outlined in this post. Be sure to add sprinkles or sanding sugar before the sugar cookie pops have set up completely. I love to bag these cookies individually as party favors, school party treats, and more! Truly, even the adults in your life will love these happy little sugar cookie pops.

So that’s it My Disney faves and some yummy sugar cookie pops. Pop in my email to share any secret favorites of your own. Happy Wednesday and Happy baking!


Sugar Cookie Dough Lollipops

To make these sugar cookie pops, we start with a dough. I use this painted sugar cookie dough, because it holds up well even with a stick in it! The cookies are soft but stable. Once you’ve prepped and chilled your dough, roll out a thick 1/4″ slab of dough and use your cookie cutter to trim out shapes. I prefer to use a small or medium-sized cutter here, because large cookies are more likely to break off the stick. dough shapes have been chilled, gently twist to insert 4″ lollipop sticks into the base of the cookies. The first one or two might flop, but you’ll get the feel for it. If you happen to break through the cookie dough, you can use your fingers to gently pat extra dough around it to clean up. Make sure your dough is thick enough for future cookies too!


After baking, these cookies are iced with a simple powdered sugar glaze that sets overnight. You can follow my method as outlined in this post. Be sure to add sprinkles or sanding sugar before the sugar cookie pops have set up completely. I love to bag these cookies individually as party favors, school party treats, and more! Truly, even the adults in your life will love these happy little sugar cookie pops.

So that’s it My Disney faves and some yummy sugar cookie pops. Pop in my email to share any secret favorites of your own. Happy Wednesday and Happy baking!


Sugar Cookie Dough Lollipops