How To Make Cake Pops Tips And Tricks

I’ve been making cake pops for baby showers and birthday parties for the past five years, and I’ve learned a few helpful tips and tricks along the way.  Before I dive into them I should clarify – these tips are for hand-rolled cake pop truffles (the original kind) on a stick, although many of these tips can also apply to the newer kind of cake pops made with cake pop machines and baking pan molds.

If you’re interested in kicking it old-school like me and prefer to roll your cake pops by hand, the first step is to bake a cake (9×13″), let it cool, and then crumble it up in a large bowl.  The next step is to mix crumbled cake with a can of frosting – this makes your truffle-like filling.


Tip #1:  Don’t use too much frosting!  I actually start with about ¾ c. of frosting (or ½ a tub) and add more as needed. I don’t think I’ve ever needed more than 1 c. of frosting (or ¾ of a can) per 9×13″ cake. The more frosting you add the softer your batter/cake pop filling will be.  You don’t want the balls to be too soft or they will slide around on the stick.

How To Make Cake Pops Or Cake Balls Three Ways

Tip #2:  Refrigerate your bowl of batter at this point before forming it into balls.  It will firm up your batter, making the balls easier to roll, and it will help keep the sticks more secure.  You can refrigerate for a couple of hours, or overnight.

Tip #3:  I recommend either using the candy melt circles (found at specialty baking stores or the baking section of JoAnns, Michael’s, etc.) or “CandiQuik” brand chocolate coating (in grocery stores near the chocolate chips) for your cake pop coating. It’s made to serve as the “shell” for a truffle or cake pop so it sets up much nicer than almond bark, chocolate chips, or other melted chocolate options. The finished product also won’t melt in your hands if you touch it like regular chocolate will.

Now it’s time to turn your cake ball into a pop by inserting a lollipop stick into one end, about halfway through.

Cake Ball Recipe (step By Step Tutorial)

Tip #4:  Dip the tip of your lollipop stick in a little of the melted candy coating before inserting it into the cake balls.  Return cake pops to wax paper lined cookie sheet.

Tip #5:  Wrap your cake pops on the cookie sheet up with cling wrap and place them in the freezer for at least an hour or two to firm them up.  I recommend doing it overnight if you have time, just to break the overall cake pop process up.

Once firm or frozen, remove one cake pop from the pan at a time and carefully insert the ball end into the candy coating, holding it by the lollipop stick end.  Cover cake ball in candy coating and softly tap and rotate cake pop until the excess chocolate drips off. (Be careful not to tap the cake pop too hard or the ball may fall off the stick.)

The Best Chocolate Cake Pops

Tip #6:  It is SUPER DUPER important not to get any water in your melted chocolate – water will turn your chocolate gross and clumpy.

Tip #7:  I work with the chocolate candy coating in small batches, melting 3-4 squares of chocolate in a coffee mug at a time. I like to use a coffee mug because it’s narrow and tall, so a few squares of melted chocolate are deep enough to dip my cake pop into. I also use a spoon to help get the chocolate all around the cake pop (including slightly up onto the stick) and to smooth some of the excess chocolate off.

Tip #8:  You can use the above tap and rotate method for your chocolate coating until it cools if you’d like a perfectly smooth cake-pop finish, but I like to coat my cake pops with sprinkles. Not only does it look cute, but it also hides any imperfections in your coating so you don’t need to worry about getting it perfectly smooth.  If you’re opting to go the sprinkle route, you need to apply the sprinkles before the candy coating dries all the way.  I tap and rotate my cake pop initially after dipping to get the excess chocolate off, and then I apply sprinkles when it’s close to hardening up, continuing to rotate the cake pop until the coating is done moving, so the sprinkles don’t shift around or glob up in one spot.

Vegan Cake Pops Recipe

Tip #9:  Poke cake pops into a rectangular piece of styrofoam (seen in the photo below) to dry completely.  This will prevent them from having a flat side or the candy coating pooling up on one side.

Tip #10:  Don’t wait until the last minute to make your cake pops – make them up ahead of time and freeze them!  I’ve been freezing cake pops for years, and it’s such a lifesaver as it gets close to our party date to have one less thing to worry about.  I’ve frozen cake pops for up to 3 months and they still taste (and look) as delicious as they day I made them.  Thawing time is only a couple of minutes!


Although cake pops are time-consuming, they’re incredibly simple to make, so don’t let this deliciousness on a stick intimidate you.  With these 10 tips you’ll be a pro in no time.Am Dienstag habe ich endlich meinen neuen Ofen bekommen und der erste Kuchen backt auch schon vor sich hin! Bevor ich euch aber davon berichte noch was anderes: Ich habe so viele liebe Rückmeldungen zu den Spekulatius Cake Pops bekommen, und ein paar von euch wollten sie sogar nachmachen. Da hab ich mir gedacht ich teile meine Cake Pops Tipps und Tricks, die ich im Laufe der Zeit gesammelt habe mit euch!

Creative Cake Pop Recipes To Match Your Party Theme

I finally got my new oven on Tuesday and there’s already a cake baking in it. But before I show you what I’m baking I wanted to show you some tips on making cake pops!

Beim Kuchen solltet ihr euch für einen Trockenen, nicht zu saftigen entscheiden. Außerdem darf er nicht zu frisch sein, denn sonst lässt er sich nicht gut zerkrümeln. Besser schon am Vortag backen!

The Cake – You should choose a cake that’s not too juicy. And it’s important that it’s not warm any more, so if you have enough time you should bake the cake one day before you make your cake pops!

How To Make Cake Pops (easy And Fool Proof)

Das Zerkleinern des Kuchens geschieht bei mir in 2 Schritten: Zuerst gehts dem Kuchen mit den Händen an den Kragen und dann kommt noch der Mixer zum Einsatz. Der sorgt dafür, dass kaum ein Klümpchen übrig bleibt.

Crumbles – At first I’m breaking up the cake with my hands. After that you I put it in a food processor or blender so that no chunks are left.


Auch wenn ihr den Anweisungen eines Rezepts folgt, solltet ihr das Frosting nur nach und nach zu den Kuchenbrösel dazu gegeben. Die Beschaffenheit von Kuchen und Frosting sind nämlich von mal zu mal verschieden, also ist es schwierig eine genaue Angabe zu machen!

The Easiest Halloween Cake Pops

Bis man das richtige Verhältnis herausgefunden hat braucht es ein bisschen Übung. Eine Faustregel gibt es aber: bekommen die Kugeln beim formen Risse, ist die Masse noch zu trocken!

Frosting – It takes a bit of practice to know how much frosting you need. Even if you’re following the instructions of a recipe you should not put all of the frosting with the cake crumbs at once. There’s one rule: if your cake pops have flaws when you roll them into balls your mixture needs some more frosting!

Vor allem hat das aber einen praktischen Grund: ich verwende meistens Schaschlik-Spieße, weil mir die Lollipop-Sticks einfach zu teuer sind. Und da die ziemlich dünn sind fallen die kleinen Kugeln nicht so oft herunter.

Chocolate Cake Pops

Size matters – I don’t like my cake pops to be too big because they will be too heavy and fall off the stick. And a nice side-effect: you can eat more of them ;)

Ich portioniere zwar meist nach Gefühl, aber hin und wieder lege ich auch Wert darauf, dass alle Cake Pops gleich groß sind. Das beste Werkzeug dafür ist… Trommelwirbel: der Eisportionierer!


Damit die Cake Pops nicht von den Stielen fallen, tunkt die Enden der Stiele etwas in die Kuvertüre ein bevor ihr sie in die Teigkügelchen steckt. Danach sollten die Cake Pops ca. 30 min im Kühlschrank trocknen, damit die Schokolade fest werden kann. So verlieren sie beim Glasieren auch nicht so leicht ihre Form.

Rainbow Cake Pops

Getting them onto the sticks – Dip the tip of your stick into the chocolate before pushing it into the cake ball. Then cool them in the fridge for 30 minutes before dipping them into the chocolate.

Schon bevor ihr mit dem Glasieren beginnt solltet ihr alle Deko-Materialien griffbereit herrichten. Denn sobald Schokolade auf dem Pop ist muss es schnell gehen, bevor sie wieder trocknet…

Decorating – Always prepare for decorating while the chocolate melts so you can decorate your cake pops while the chocolate is still soft.

How To Make Cake Pops (crazy Easy)

Tja, das ist mein großer Schwachpunkt. Ich habe bis jetzt immer Kuchenglasur