How Much To Charge For Cake Pops 2020

A bite sized cake on a stick? Sounds perfect. We absolutely love cake pops, and when they are Starbucks caked pops served with a nice coffee, they are even better. The pink little globes of sweet tasting heaven are great for when you are entertaining guests, or even if you are on your own. In this recipe we are going to learn how to make Starbucks cake pops.

The best thing about our homemade Starbucks cake pops is that you don’t have to be a master baker. They are actually pretty forgiving. The reason for this is that the cake isn’t baked onto the stick, nor will you have to have to bake the balls of cake mixture separately. All you do is make a sponge and crumble it, before merging it with other ingredients, making it much easier to get perfect balls of tasty goodness.


Another reason that these Starbucks cake pops are easy to make at home is that you require next to no baking knowledge at all. Even the cake mixture is taken care of, as we use a premade mix that you can buy in pretty much any store.

Hello Kitty Cake Pops

Although these cake pops look fancy, you won’t need much specialized equipment. You will want a baking tin, a saucepan, and a couple of mixing bowls. Oh, and don’t forget your popsicle sticks!

To stop your cake pop heads from flying off, there is something special that you must ensure that you do. We use pure melted candy to act as a glue for your stick. Don’t skip this step!

The shape of the cake pops is important. If you want absolutely perfect globes you could consider using a cake pop former, put we find that using a small scoop, such as a melon baller, is just as easy. If you haven’t got either then two teaspoons will do the trick. Your Starbucks cake pops won’t be perfectly round, but there’s nothing wrong with going for the rustic look.

Vanilla Cake Pops From Scratch

Copycat Starbucks cake pops are truly a one of a kind recipe. The perfect treat to make any time of the year.

When you have baked your cake, carefully trim around the outside. You are looking for the softest sponge to make your Starbucks cake pops. The outer edges of the cake might be a little too dry and well done. Feel free to snack on them if you can’t wait!

The key to an authentic Starbucks cake pop is to ensure that your mixture is the correct consistency to get a perfect form. Once you have made the mixture, give it a little squeeze with clean hands. If you have nailed the recipe you should find that it sticks together really easily.

How Much Should I Charge For 150 Cake Pops? I'm 14 Years Old And I Just Got My Third Ever Cake Pop Order And I Don't Know What To Price Them At.

You won’t need to spend the $1.95 at starbucks per cake pop when you can make these at home yourself. For those asking this question, you can see the price in the table below. Our Starbucks birthday cake pop will not only save you time queuing but also you can avoid the cost.


Although it may sound a little fiddly, Starbucks vanilla cake pops are surprisingly easy to make. The key is to be organized and set up a multi stage ‘production line’ prior to making. Have you got any other ideas for cake pops? Why not let us know in the comments below.

Hi, I’m Laura and having studied an MSc in Nutrition, becoming a professional chef and appearing on major publications with my recipes I decided to create a website of my own. This website is where I share unique recipes, tips and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary skills flourish. You can contact me here. For more information, you can find more about me.We ship fast, orders in before 9am PST typically ship same day, M-F excluding weekends and holidays. Holiday and peak season weekend shipments may be delayed by 1 business day. If ordering on a weekend pick expedited shipping if in a rush. $5.95 flat rate shipping, free on orders of $100.00 or more (domestic).

How Much To Charge For Cake Pops: Explained (2023 Updated)

How do you price your cake pops? Do you ask a friend how much they charge and charge the same thing? Did you go to Starbucks look at their prices and charge that? Do an internet search? Or do you have a formula based on more complicated factors to determine how much you price? Have you thought about your overhead (all costs not associated with supplies), supply cost, time involved from prep to clean up and delivery, skill level and clientele?

Pricing is a common question I get asked by my followers. Usually it is along the lines of How much should I charge?.


I got asked a question today by a follower about cake pop pricing. Specifically this person made a more involved cake pop and found people were trying to bargain with them and eventually they had to lower the price significantly to sell. They wanted to know what went wrong?

Order Online Pink And Blue Cake Pops (12 Pcs)

It got me thinking about pricing, starting out, choosing what to offer customers, knowing your market… lol… my mind pretty much wanders all over so it got me thinking a million different cake pop business directions on what went wrong in this scenario, but sticking to the pricing issue……. and a little bit about cake pop choice.

I don’t sell cake pops nor have I ever, so I can't give you my personal story on how I built my cake pop treat business, but I do own a business and all businesses deal with pricing as a key business decision that can make or break you. So from a business stand point I would say that you should charge enough to cover all your costs (and you should know all your costs) including your cost to pay yourself (per hour cost and how many cake pops you can make per hour). You should also know how much you need to make per hour to live and how much would you would like to pay yourself. In the beginning you may need to only charge what you need to and as your business grows you can charge more to eventually get to what you want to make (per hour). 

I realize this is probably the obvious, but I would say some people out there ask a friend what they charge and charge the same thing never doing the math if they are really making money? What happens if your friend is better and faster at making cake pops than you? If your friend can make twice the cake pops in an hour then you can and their cake pops are more elaborate and prettier than yours, you can’t charge the same rate or expect to make the same money.


How To Cut Your Wedding Cake Cost In Half

This discussion is meant to be thought provoking, so instead of asking the question: “How much do you or should you charge?” I ask the question “How do you price?” What factors do you take into consideration in your pricing? This will give you pricing strategy and possibly marketing strategy to get more profit per cake pop.

Going back to my customer's situation above, this may not have been a pricing issue as much as a venue issue. I don't have any of the specifics but the first thing that came to mind was, if you are just starting out and you are going to a fair or market to sell you may not want to bring cake pops that took forever to make. Also in this situation the cake pops were a very specific theme and that theme may not have appealed to the audience present.

In order to maximize profit per cake pop, selling simple cake pops that look beautiful and are generic will get you more profit dollars than an elaborate cake pops that are a particular theme, that may not be appreciated for the time and effort involved in making them. Very often your customers will have no idea the work involved in making a cake pop and they will be just as pleased with something simple as they are with something that took you a long time.

Strawberry Vanilla Strawberry Vanilla Cake Pops

Continuing on this specific situation, If you are going to a fair or farmers market the clientele buying your cake pop is more than likely buying on impulse to eat on the spot. Therefore, a delicious cake pop that is simple might sell just as well as an elaborate one that is meant more for a theme party.


There is a lot of skill involved in making cake pops so when you are first starting out it may take you a lot longer to make a cake pop than someone else who has been doing this for a long time. That can mean that they can make a lot more cake pops per hour than you can and therefore their profit per cake pop will be a lot higher. My advise is if making cake pops for a living or as a hobby to sell is your goal and you are new, stick with easy designs that you can perfect and get skilled at making them fast and efficient. Your go to