How Much Are A Dozen Cake Pops

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Please let me know what date you want these for as well as preferred straw color(s). If you do not indicate your preference, we will use what options we have available, but keep with the Easter colors.


Can be customized to your colors or theme. Please indicate colors preference in the notes section of your order if you do not see the color preference option in the listing.

Half Dozen Classic Cake Pops

Although we try to make our products match our listings, there may be slight variations with shape, color and detail for each individual cake pop, as they are each individually hand-sculpted dipped and finish decorated.

My cake pops are made from completely baked cake. When the cakes are cooled and rested, the cake is mashed until smooth. The cake is then measured out for consistency (usually 10 ounces per pop which gives a 3/4 - 1 size cake ball) and then hand-rolled and/or shaped for specific designs. Please note: I do NOT bake cake balls and then dip them in chocolate. Those are NOT real cake pops. Cake pops should have an in the middle soft chewy brownie texture to them. Mine do. Please do not mistake this for unbaked raw cake, as this is not at all what it is.

Based on the actual design of your pop, or in order to complete a specific design, I may need to add any of the following to your cake pop design: chocolate, fondant, modeling chocolate, candy pieces, edible paints etc.

Honey Pot Cake Pops (1 Dozen) Cakepops

Because your cake has been dipped in chocolate, please be aware of this. The cake under your chocolate reacts to heat and cold which equates to expanding and contracting. Chocolate does not expand and contract like cake does. Because of this, we ask you to keep your pops as close to a normal room temperature (typically between 65-75). This will most often ensure your cake pop will not be affected by the cake expanding and/or contracting which can sometimes crack or break your chocolate around the pop. In addition, we do not recommend refrigeration or freezing, as this will not only adversely affect the pop, but may also cause excessive sweating while being refrigerated/frozen and then coming back to room temperature. Please note: We cannot control how pops are handled once they leave our hands. We do not refund or replace or credit for cake pops if something should happen to them after they leave our hands.

CAKE POPS HAVE A VERY SHORT SHELF LIFE OF APPROX. 5-7 DAYS from the day they were made. We make and decorate everything fresh to order and within 24-48 hours of pick-up/delivery.

We will not be held liable for any person, guest, family member, associate, etc becoming sick from consuming the pop beyond the recommended 5-7-day window.

Pink And Gold Shimmery Cake Pops (1 Dozen) Cakepops, Wedding, Birthday

We recommend having these shipped out no earlier than 2-3 days prior to your event, as they are a perishable food item. Our cake pops have been successfully shipped everywhere in the United States.

ALLERGY WARNING: Our items are prepared and baked in a kitchen where products containing nuts and peanuts are used. Our items may contain trace amounts of nuts or other allergens.

S Einkaufsschutz: Kaufe beruhigt auf ein, denn wenn bei einer Bestellung etwas schief geht, stehen wir dir für alle berechtigten Einkäufe zur Seite – siehe Programmbedingungen


Easter Cake Pops 1 Dozen

The cutest and most fun cookies ever! Bought them as a gift for my hubby who is a giant Jimmy Buffett fan and he was ecstatic -- so surprised and delighted! They were packed well so there were no crumbs and no breakage. And they taste as good as they look, even though they're almost too cute to eat. Thanks, Judi!

Diese Kekse waren der Hit unserer Party. Wir waren auch unter einer Eilzeit und konnten den Verkäufer direkt kontaktieren und einen Zeitplan und die Abholung ausarbeiten. Toll auch, dass diese in WI hergestellt wurden. Sie sahen fantastisch aus, schmeckten aber noch besser (was wir alle wissen, ist nicht immer der Fall). Stolz, Handwerkskunst und Professionalität leuchten rundum! 10/10 ️

These cookies were the hit of our party. We were under a rush timeline too and was able to contact seller directly and work out a timeline and pickup. Also loved that these were made in WI. They looked amazing but tasted even better (which we all know is not always the case). Pride, craftsmanship and professionalism shine all around! 10/10 ⭐️

Premium Cake Pop Display Stand With 24 Holes (2 Dozen)

The cutest Scooby cookies were delicious and arrived right on time in perfect condition. I included them in goody bags for my daughter’s dance recital (the cookies matched their costumes) and received so many compliments on the cookies! Highly recommend!!

Behalte deine Kollektionen für dich oder inspiriere andere Shopper! Denk dran, dass öffentliche Sammlungen von allen eingesehen werden können – sie könnten auch in Empfehlungen und an anderen Stellen erscheinen. s Datenschutzrichtlinie anzeigen


Öffentliche Kollektionen können von der Allgemeinheit eingesehen werden, einschließlich von anderen Käufern, und sie können in Empfehlungen und an anderen Stellen erscheinen.

Cake Pop Cake (custom) — Daisy Pops

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Custom Color Cake Pops (write In Your Colors)

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Please provide your need by date as well as up to 4 design choices from the listing for 1 dozen or up to 6 designs for 2 or more dozen.

Cake Pops (per Dozen)

Can be customized to your colors or theme. Please indicate colors preference in the notes section of your order if you do not see the color preference option in the listing.

Although we try to make our products match our listings, there may be slight variations with shape, color and detail for each individual cake pop, as they are each individually hand-sculpted dipped and finish decorated.

My cake pops are made from completely baked cake. When the cakes are cooled and rested, the cake is mashed until smooth. The cake is then measured out for consistency (usually 10 ounces per pop which gives a 3/4 - 1 size cake ball) and then hand-rolled and/or shaped for specific designs. Please note: I do NOT bake cake balls and then dip them in chocolate. Those are NOT real cake pops. Cake pops should have an in the middle soft chewy brownie texture to them. Mine do. Please do not mistake this for unbaked raw cake, as this is not at all what it is.


Cake Pops Basketball Themed Cakepops 1 Dozen

Based on the actual design of your pop, or in order to complete a specific design, I may need to add any of the following to your cake pop design: chocolate, fondant, modeling chocolate, candy pieces, edible paints etc.

Because your cake has been dipped in chocolate, please be aware of this. The cake under your chocolate reacts to heat and cold which equates to expanding and contracting. Chocolate does not expand and contract like cake does. Because of this, we ask you to keep your pops as close to a normal room temperature (typically between 65-75). This will most often ensure your cake pop will not be affected by the cake expanding and/or contracting which can sometimes crack or break your chocolate around the pop. In addition, we do not recommend refrigeration or freezing, as this will not only adversely affect the pop, but may also cause excessive sweating while being refrigerated/frozen and then coming back to room temperature. Please note: We cannot control how pops are handled once they leave our hands. We do not refund or replace or credit for cake pops if something should happen to them after