How To Grip Golf Stick

Your golf grip is the only connection you have with the club – consequently, it is pretty important. Here we’ll walk you through how to hold a golf club and answer all of these little questions players have when learning this important skill.

If you’re in a hurry and about to hit the 1st tee, check out the step-by-step images below. If you’re not in a rush, stay around for the whole article. Understanding the details of a great golf grip is probably one of the most valuable technical assets you can develop to help you achieve your golfing dreams.


The following sequence is for righted handed golfers. If you are left handed just follow the same steps but switch hands for each step.

What Does Choking Down On A Golf Club Do?

To hold the golf club, start by securing the top of the grip with your right hand, then place your left hand against the grip from the side, with your fingers pointing down towards the ground.

The grip should run from the middle joint of your index finger to the base of your small finger. Once your left hand is in place wrap your fingers around the club and position your right hand onto the grip as shown below.

Below we will run through from face-on explaining a few more details. Use the top two images below to check out what your completed left hand grip should look like in a mirror. When you have your left hand in this position, wrap your hand around the grip (top right left image).

How To Hold A Golf Club: The Proper Golf Grip

It should feel as if you’re holding the golf club mostly in your fingers. It should also feel like you’ve created a lot of contact between your fingers, lower palm and the grip. This is a good indication that you will be able to control the golf club through your entire swing.

Notice how in the completed golf grip the hands sit closely together as if they are one unit. This is a key feature that all great golfers have. It ensures you are applying forces to the golf club about the same point – rather than the two hands fighting against one another.

The interlocking grip variation is where you interlock the little finger on your right hand and index finger on your left hand – It is a great way to link your hands. It is favoured by golfers with medium to smaller hands, and is the golf grip used by Tiger Woods. This is the method I mostly coach.

How To Hold A Golf Club

This is where the little finger on your right-hand sits in the notch between your index finger and middle finger of your left hand – your hands overlap. It is a great grip and often favoured by golfers with larger hands who find interlocking fingers uncomfortable. I coach this variation too for golfers with broad hands or those who don’t like interlocking.

Both interlocking and overlapping grips are a great way to unite your hands – choose one and stick with it, there is no performance reason for you to change between the two.

Finally we have the 10 finger grip – this is where all of the fingers on your right hand sit below your left (no overlap). It is great for junior golfers. However, ideally use one of the options above, as the 10 finger grip creates the most separation between your hands and can affect your consistency as you progress as a player.

Golf Grip Tips: 8 Ways To Get The Perfect Golf Grip

In terms of general grip pressure, a good strategy is to imagine you are holding a banana and you have to eat the remains after your golf shot. Too light and the banana will fly out of your hands, but squeezing too tight will turn the banana into mush.

A second common consequence of a tight golf grip is less rotation of the forearms during the backswing and/or downswing. The result of poor forearm rotation can be hooks (too little rotation in the backswing), or slices (too little rotation during the downswing).


If you have followed this guide so far you should have your hands fitting snugly around the golf grip. The first time golfers use a correct golf grip they often feel the golf club is placed too far into their fingers – don’t worry this is normal and generally a sign you have a good golf grip.

How Do You Grip A Golf Club?

Once the golf club is in this position you should feel the top 2-3 fingers on your left hand are securing the club, along with a small pinch between your right thumb and index finger at the bottom of your golf grip.

These points at the top and bottom of your golf grip are where you will feel the most grip pressure, with everything in between feeling more relaxed.

A lot of articles show you how to hold a golf club with the correct grip. However, I can’t find any that really explain how your grip affects your game.

Driver Grip Vs Iron Grip Comparisons — (what Are The Differences?)

Here I will explain why a correct golf grip is so important and why changing your golf grip is the easiest way to improve your golf accuracy and consistency.

Roughly 80% of the direction of your golf shots is a result of where your club face points at impact – we call this club face angle. The most critical factor in hitting the golf ball towards your target is squaring the club face at impact – 61 to 83% of the ball’s start direction, and around 80% of total lateral error is caused by a non-square club face at impact.


By changing your golf grip and keeping your entire golf swing as it is, you can make considerable improvement to your club face at impact and therefore the accuracy of your shot.

How To Grip A Golf Club (a Visual Guide + 3 Grip Options)

For example, most golfers who suffer from a slice or a hook do so because their club face is just 3-4º open or closed. This can be completely fixed by changing your golf grip by 3-4º.

Your arms and hands hang naturally inwards (watch the video below). When you’re swinging the golf club at speed, this is the position your arms and hands will want to return to. Hence why a neutral golf grip is one where both our hands appear to be twisted over and sit on top of the golf club – this is actually their natural anatomical position.

Golf is a game of timing. The better your golf grip, the less you will require perfect timing to square up the club face. The correct golf grip means that when your arms are in a neutral position (pictured in the video below), the club face will automatically be square.

Golf Putting Grip Styles: But Which Technique Is Best?

A bad golf grip requires you to manipulate and force the club face square. For slicers, this will feel as though you’re flipping your arms and hands over to get the club face square – forcing your hands to rotate past their natural position in time for impact.

For golfers with a hook, you will be familiar with the feeling ofholding onto the golf club for dear life, praying that the club face doesn’t turn over too early through impact. This feeling is just your hands and arms wanting to get back to neutral and you trying to stop them doing so.


Now we know how your golf grip links to your golf swing mechanics and club face, we can easily explain why certain golf grips cause you to slice and hook.

How Far Up Should We Grip The Golf Club ?

The key point to remember is that the curved flight in a slice/fade is caused by the club face being open to your swing path at impact, not an out-to-in swing path alone. This misunderstanding prevents so many golfers getting better.

Likewise, a hooking ball flight is caused by your club face being too closed to the swing path at impact, not an out-to-in swing path alone. Watch the video below to see how a ‘strong’ golf grip at set up causes you to have a closed club face at impact.

Below are two videos to show you how to alter your golf grip. You’ll notice the key factor is to start with both hands twisted round from where you will be used to having them. Ensure when you alter your grip, you do so with the club face pointing to the target.

Strong Vs Weak Golf Grip

For most golfers, the top hand is the key culprit for slicing. Once you have a great left hand grip, your right hand should fall into place.

If you struggle with a hook here is how to correct your golf grip. For most golfers, a poor top hand grip is the main issue. However, for single figure players who struggle with the odd hook or over-draw, pay close attention to the second video on how your apply your bottom hand to the golf club.


The ideal golf grip is one that matches how you release the golf club and creates your desired ball flight – straight, slight draw, slight fade. This article gives you a great template but your

Proper Golf Grip: How To Grip The Club In 6 Steps

Your key feedback is the flight and curvature of the golf ball. Head to the golf range and start experimenting with your new grip. Keep exaggerating your grip change until a well struck shot results