How To Make Dinosaur Cake Pops

After making Hello Kitty cake pops for my elder daughter’s birthday in July, I knew I had to do something similar for the youngest one when she turned 2!  As she loves Dorothy the Dinosaur, we chose it as a theme for her party.  So, Dorothy the Dinosaur cake pops were the obvious choice!   And they were not too hard to make either.

I had not seen any on the web, so I “designed” them completely by myself.  The hardest part was to figure out a way to make Dorothy’s teeth… but in the end, I decided to use fondant to decorate the cake pops, and I think it was a very good idea as it allowed me to make more precise and realistic shapes for the teeth, the hat and the rose.


NOTE: I have used Wilton’s green candy melts for this.  In the past, I have also used Witon’s pink candy melts and both times, I had a hard time working with them.  The candy melts are way too thick!  I have also used CK’s white candy melts before and liked it so much more!  I’ll have to keep experimenting!

How To Make Dinosaur Cake Pops

Melt it following the instructions on the package (I microwave them as I find it easier).  Also make sure you use a deep enough plastic container to melt the candy so you can dip the candy pops in it.

When ready, take all the ovals out of the freezer and put them in the fridge.  Keep only 5 on the benchtop and start working with these.  Take a pop stick and dip it in the candy melt (2 cm).  Insert it in the cake pops no more than halfway through and keep it aside.  Do that for all 5 pops.  Then take the first cake pop and dip it into the candy melt.  Make sure it is fully submerged and that the candy coats the stick.  Then pull it out in one movement and remove the excess coating by tapping the left hand on your right wrist and turning the pop at the same time so that the coating gets evenly distributed.

To make the hat, roll out some white fondant into a very thin sheet and cut out a circle.  Attach it on Dorothy’s head (on the thinner side) using a little candy melt.  Shape it with your hands and let it dry on the Styrofoam.

How To Make Duggee Planet Cake Pops

Now take a small piece of red fondant and roll it into a thin strip.  Fold it on itself and then roll it to create a “ribbon rose”.My kid wanted a dinosaur birthday party and so I made her these Adorable Dinosaur Egg Cake Balls for a Dinosaur Party that she just absolutely LOVED!

Once the cupcakes are made, it’s super easy to turn them into the eggs–and then to wrap them and put their polkies on.

I mean, if you don’t believe me (because they do look almost too amazing, right?), I made this video fo how I made these Adorable Dinosaur Egg Cake Balls for a Dinosaur Party.

Dinosaur Cake, Cookies & Treat Ideas

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”0NsMxqYv” upload-date=”2019-04-15T15:00:00.000Z” name=”Dinosaur Egg Cake Balls” description=”Simple cake balls made to look like dinosaur eggs. They are made with cupcakes (flour, water, sugar, butter, vanilla extract, baking soda), frosting and marshmallow fondant. I used wax paper to roll out the marshmallow fondant and they are sitting in a bed of Coco-Rice Krispies cereal.”]

Took me about 10 minutes to make that fondant, and dude, it was totally worth it…I mean, LOOK at those edible dinosaur eggs!

Like for real, it’s been a few days since her birthday and she keeps asking for more of these Easter Egg Cake Balls.

Cake Pops Archives

Ok. So you love these Adorable Dinosaur Egg Cake Balls for a Dinosaur Party, but you’re low on marshmallows for the fondant?

My parents got creative in the kitchen after they retired. One of the things they made was easy candy strawberries. My kids and I loved ... Read more

My goodness this Instant Pot Cookie Butter Cheesecake Recipe is un-believable! I love cheesecake (as I’m sure you do, too), and I love cookie butter. ... Read more

Dino Cake Pops

Paper Roll Firecrackers are so much fun to make and beautiful to look at. Celebrating the 4th of July is just fun all around!. I ... Read more


This interesting Tie-Dye Watermelon Wreath is perfect to welcome the coming summer. Watermelons are a very refreshing fruit. They are always served as healthy snacks ... Read moreUm die Sicherheit der Nutzerdaten zu gewährleisten, werden ältere Versionen deines Webbrowsers von nicht mehr unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere auf die neueste Version.

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Dieses Angebot gilt für 1 Dutzend Dinosaurier-Cake-Pops. Das Display ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten, aber Sie können hier https:///listing/665913091/plain-white-cake-pop-stand einen weißen Ständer erwerben, der bis zu 18 Cake Pops fasst

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Dinosaur And Triceratops Cake Pop Exclusive At Cake Ballerina

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Dinosaur Birthday Cake

These turned out so cute! I ordered the dino cake pops for my 3 year old's dino party and honestly so cute!!! 10/10

These were absolutely adorable and a great addition to our dino party theme!! A couple arrived damaged but shop owner was quick to respond and offered a credit for the broken ones. She was easy to work with and would definitely order again!

These cake pops were perfect bite size for toddlers to enjoy and tasty too for adults. Just wish we had a Houston location because this could become a family favorite.

Diy Hatching Chicks Cake Pops Recipe

Woodland Animals, Hedgehog, Owl, Raccoon, and Fox Cake Pops Anzeige von TheCakeBallerina Anzeige des Shops TheCakeBallerina TheCakeBallerina Aus dem Shop TheCakeBallerina 75, 52 €

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Dinosaur In Half Shell Cake Pops

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Dorothy The Dinosaur Cake Pops

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Kim Joy's Recipe For Lemon And Matcha Cake Pop Frogs